This is The Way... To Wellness

You Are the Architect of Your Reality

Embrace Your Cosmic Power: You Are the Architect of Your Reality

June 22, 20242 min read

“To believe in anything less than yourself is to miss the mark of the amazing gift of our unique creation that we are.” - Manlee J Chavez

Ever feel like life is happening to you instead of with you? It's time to change that narrative and embrace the incredible power within us all.

To believe in anything less than yourself is to miss the mark of the amazing gift of our unique creation that we are.

Consider this powerful affirmation: You are a co-creator of your reality.

Your Cosmic Power

Yes, you can shape your experiences, influence your world, and tap into the universal energy that flows through everything. Here's why:

  • Master of Emotional Response: Our emotions aren't random; they're tools we can learn to use. By mastering our emotional responses, we gain control over our experiences and create a life that truly resonates with us.

  • Co-Creator of Our Reality: Our thoughts and feelings are powerful forces interacting with the universe to manifest in our outer world. When we align our inner world with positive, empowering beliefs, we attract those experiences into our lives.

  • Energetic Beings: We are energetic beings, vibrating at frequencies that attract like energies. Tapping into this energy means connecting with the universe deeper and influencing events, people, and circumstances.

  • Directors of the Galaxy: Our consciousness impacts the universe. We play a crucial part in the cosmic dance, contributing to the energy of the entire galaxy. Every thought and every emotion ripples out, affecting the universal fabric.

  • General Managers of the World: Our influence goes beyond personal boundaries. As we elevate our consciousness, we inspire others to do the same. We co-create a better world, promoting love, peace, and harmony.

  • Masters of the Universe: Embracing our divinity doesn't diminish the presence of a greater power but aligns us closer to it. Recognizing our role as co-creators affirms that we are indeed masters of our destiny, working in tandem with the universal energy.

My Inspiration:

As a little girl, I dreamed of being She-Ra Princess of Power, the most powerful woman in the universe. She-Ra boldly used her innate force to help others—and that force lives within us all. We emit emotional frequencies that either heal or harm. That's powerful!

Just like She-Ra, we have the power to influence the world around us, starting with ourselves. When we change our inner landscape, we can raise human evolution together.

Your Turn:

What area of your life could you start "mastering" today? How can you raise your emotional frequency to co-create a more positive reality? Share your thoughts below!

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April Chavez

From a young age, April Chavez turned her Lupus diagnosis into a quest for holistic wellness, encompassing spiritual, intellectual, and physical aspects. Her journey through law enforcement to public speaking and performance coaching is evidence of her investigation into the power of lifestyle choices on well-being. Today, she inspires others through her talk show, The Wellness Driven Life Show, and her work at Driven Livin' LLC. Offstage, she enjoys exploring life with her husband, Manlee.

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