About Healing with Yvette

If you are like I was, you know you need something but you aren’t sure what.

Perhaps you’ve looked at your horoscope, had your tarot cards read, collected some crystals, seen a medium or maybe even heard the word chakra but you’ve thought:

Is there more to all of this?

Where do I go to learn about it?

Welcome, I’m Yvette and you are in the right place.

About Yvette

I woke up one morning to an intuitive message. “You need to get a card reading, today!” By this time in my journey, I’d learned to listen to these messages. During the session, the reader asked if I did Reiki. When I told her I got it done monthly but didn’t do it, she said “You need to learn to do Reiki”. Once again I listened and began my training and journey to become a Reiki Master.

Along the way, I’ve studied with several Reiki Masters, a Sangoma, a crystal clinician and many other spiritual leaders. I’ve added modalities and certificates to my tool belt so that I can bring you several healing options. I’m a lifelong learner.

I live with my fur babies Jasper and Cleo in Salem, VA. My husband transitioned to the spirit world in August 2024 and partners with me during healing sessions.

You can read about how I manifested him and so much more in my blog.


I have attended a couple virtual energy shares hosted by Healing with Yvette. I am not trained in any healing modalities, but typically have good intuition.
The group share events have assisted me to learn to listen more to the messages I’m receiving.

During my first group share, I was sending energy to another person on the event.
I strongly heard the word “grief”.
I just knew I had to be projecting some of my own emotions onto the situation.
However, when we shared with each other, I found out that she had been dealing with a death in her family for a few months.

I am looking forward to continuing to attend the group share events and learning more about healing modalities.

-Crystal Elliott

About Healing with Yvette

Healing with Yvette was born when I was called to bring the healing energy of Reiki to others. Every next step has been guided by spirit messages and my intuition. Each time I complete a training, the next spiritual teacher is presented so that my next level of learning, and therefore my services, is shown to me.

Are you looking for inspiration?
I am now a published author of two Amazon Best-Selling

Co-Authored books!

Get great information each month from Healing with Yvette including a crystal divination reading for the collective.

Get a monthly crystal divination, information about crystal and oil suggestions, and more each month.

Whether you are looking for relaxation, you want to remove unseen blocks and grow spiritually or anything in between I partner with you for that journey.

© Copyright Healing with Yvette 2025. All rights reserved.