Contact Healing with Yvette

I’m really looking forward to partnering with you. Whether you are looking for relaxation or spiritual growth, I’m here for the journey. When one heals, we all heal.

Let’s do this!

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What my clients have to say:

"Thank you for doing the crystal reading! I really enjoyed it & it all made sense. I appreciate your time and talents."

-Diana J.

Crystal Divinations

"I loved the crystal divination reading! I wasn't sure what it would be like but I resonated with so much especially the sandpaper and the need to control. It also helped me see that I am here for important work that will help everyone in my family from the past, present and future. I would definitely recommend this reading to anyone who would like some insight into their life.

I love that I didn't even have to do anything yet the reading was so powerful!"

-Jennifer B.

Crystal Divinations

"Thank you - went through the video last night and will want to go thru a few more times. Thank you for these pearls that will surely inspire me. You have given me lots to sit with. Thank you so much for a very, very accurate reading."


Crystal Divinations

Our lives have become busier and noisier than ever. Take time to slow down. My journey to Healing with Yvette began when I heard a message that it was time to get a card reading from a medium I knew. During that reading, she said I needed to learn how to do Reiki. Over the next months, I took all three levels of Reiki and my journey began unfolding!

Get a monthly crystal divination, information about crystal and oil suggestions, and more each month.

Whether you are looking for relaxation, you want to remove unseen blocks and grow spiritually or anything in between I partner with you for that journey.

© Copyright Healing with Yvette 2025. All rights reserved.