We to Me

A book about transitioning from

We (a couple) to Me (an individual)

We To Me is for anyone who...

Has lost themselves in a relationship

Has given their power away and is ready to reclaim it

Feels there has to be more to life than what they are currently experiencing

Has experienced betrayal or infidelity within their committed partnership

Is struggling to decide whether to stay (or not) in a relationship

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I wrote We To Me to support people navigating the minefield of a relationship on the rocks...

Here is what's included:

Outside-the-box strategies of support with a spiritual angle*

Practical decision-making processes + tools

A path back to YOU... because this book was written just for you!

*I’m not necessarily talking about religion. Regardless of your beliefs, this book explores the interconnectedness of all living beings and the support system beyond our awareness. By opening up to the Universe's messages, you can navigate through mental noise. Let my stories guide you on the journey back to your TRUE self.

A personal note from Me To You:

If you are in the throes of a relationship on the rocks or are realizing that you've somehow lost yourself, my heart goes out to you. I have been where you are, and it sucks. BUT it only sucks for a time and like most pain in our lives it is fleeting.

You are a strong and powerful being who has what it takes to transform yourself and your life into all that you dream of and desire. The fact that you are here reading these words right now, shows that you are willing and able to be the instrument of change for yourself and ultimately those around you.

Once you lift yourself up, a natural by-product is the lifting up of those you come into contact with. This may sound like a pie-in-the-sky dream but it’s true. I know, because I experienced it firsthand.

If you’re willing to open yourself up to the magic that exists, I promise you, life will feel better, and you will look back on this time as a gift. A gift in unusual packaging with a surprising gem inside. A gem that you might not have discovered if life didn’t apply the pressure required to create the diamond that is YOU.

Are you in need of relationship support?

Sign up for We To Me book/program updates + simple strategies to foster a deeper relationship with yourself through a spiritual lens!

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